"We love because he first loved us."
1 John 4:19
Supporting and encouraging the whole family in their faith and in their relationships with each other is an important part of St. Matthews' mission and vision. We strive to offer opportunities for families to get together with other families to encourage each other in their different stages of life.

Sunday School
There is Sunday School for all ages Preschool-Adults on Sunday Mornings 9:10AM (Sept - May)
Faith and Family Events
There are fun family events planned periodically throughout the year. Some past events have included Fall Festival, Family dinners, snow tubing, Trunk or Treat, and Christmas caroling. Look in the monthly church newsletter for more information on upcoming events!
Small Groups
Get Connected. Go Deeper.
Joining an adult small group is a great way to get connected with other adults and families in our congregation. These are times to encourage and support each other. Some small groups offer child care too, so it can be a whole family event! Small groups meet on Sunday mornings 9:10 AM in the basement fellowship hall. Click on the link below to find a group!